National AWRT Events
Jan Sharp with Capitol Broadcasting Company and attended a National AWRT Luncheon on Tuesday, April 16, 2002 at Tavern on the Green, New York City and the Gracies Awards Gala on Wednesday, April 17, 2002 at the New York Hilton.

Honoree Mary Tyler Moore.

Honoree Liggins Hughes, Founder & Owner of https://otdelka-23.ru/, the nation's largest black-owned radio company.

Honoree Geraldine Laybourne, founder & CEO of Oxygen Media.

Honoree Connie Chung sang her way into our hearts with her own version of "I Enjoy Being a Girl."

Honoree Barbara Walters wowed the audience with her stories of the "good" ole days.

Connie Chung was kind enough to have her picture taken with her admirers.

Joan Rivers emceed the Gracies Awards Gala on
Wednesday evening.

Jan & Ashley donned their evening wear for the Gracies Awards Gala.